Friday, September 18, 2009

Art Of Lighting (Aesthetics)

Through research and learning from my mentor...i have come to know that in 3d we cannot do lighting without knowing the Aesthetics.Now what are the Aesthetics....well oxford define aesthetics as "Showing appreciation of beauty".First and foremost we should understand when we do lighting in 3d or movies it is for a particular scene ,with a particular we as a lighting artists are required to light the scene according to the setting of the scene ,for eg:- Indoor or outdoor,time of the day,country or place etc.
To light a scene we should know the composition of a scene, there are many elements that make a composition more appealing ,this is where the knowledge of aesthetics come in,i feel that aesthetics are defined keeping in mind the sub-conscious feeling of a human being.Aesthetics help a artist to make his composition more attractive to the viewer.There are several different things in aesthetics that will help you make your composition and its lighting more appealing to the viewer.Each and every Art form has aesthetics and it is not only limited to visual medium like movies ,paintings Etc.But we`ll be only looking for visual aesthetics cos as a lighting artist we should have a good visual sense. I`ll be discussing it step-by-step in the next posts.Till then observe the lighting around you......

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